We also got to cut down our Christmas Tree again this year! We took up the snomobiles and found a real beauty. Brandon was our tape measure here, we decided it was perfect and chopped it down. I love having a real tree that smells so good and it's only $10 for a tree tag! The only bummer is it seems every time we set it up and start decorating I always find holes in it everywhere and I can never make it look quite like all those beautiful fake ones! Pictures of the finished product to come....
Paul Bunyon here....
The other great thing about Christmas is that you get to meet up with fun friends you don't normally get to see. Shelley was in town to Hailey and I got to see her and cute little Thad. I wish that the little ones were in this pic since they're so precious. You'd just want to squeeze their little cheeks. Having girl time is always refreshing!